Saturday, December 31, 2011

Reading Test Score Attachment

     One of my goals is to utilize my available resources in such a way that I am able to give my students specific skill based tutoring with as few added assessments as possible to the identify their deficient skills. One way I do this is through my basal reading series' tests. Instead of giving my students a basic overall score, I take the time to break down each part into its own grade. This way, when I look over their reading grades, I can identify which areas are in need of remediation. It does take longer to grade the tests in this way, but breaking down the data has been tremendously helpful.
     At first, this method was a bit confusing to parents. However, now they also appreciate being able to see exactly what areas their child needs to focus. This also aids me as it shows which areas I need to develop in my teaching abilities. 

1 comment:

  1. As fellow team member, we love this. All the work you put into it and it makes the grades easy to read. BTW - Love the profile pic. :)
